
Enterprise Internet is run on GlobalNexus’ next-generation high performance redundant IP network. We offer a wide variety of local access technologies so businesses can choose the method which best suits your needs.

Enterprise Internet Benefits

  • Increase business up-time and focus on core operations
  • Improved customer service so you can get answers to questions when you need them
  • Reduce network complexity and improve performance with dedicated MPLS/IP QOS enabled network
  • Bandwidth on demand when required we can increase your circuit speed for critical applications
  • High available options with redundant local access for 100% up-time from a single carrier

Enterprise Features

  • Dedicated business IP network so your data is secure and reliable
  • Redundant and diverse self-healing backbone
  • Diverse peering with 3 of the world’s top 10 internet peers
  • 24-hour network support, proactive monitoring and management by senior engineers
  • Diverse local access for additional redundancy: fibre, copper and wireless
  • Backed by a SLA measured on a monthly basis
  • Fully managed router for automatic local loop fail-over



